
New Community Pavilion at Valley View Forest

As visitors to Valley View Forest make their way toward the natural studies area, they’ll now be met with an enchanting sight. There, in a clearing enclosed by alder, cedar, and sword ferns, they’ll find a stunning timber frame pavilion, built with the help of dedicated community volunteers using trees harvested from this forest. A […]

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Call for Volunteers: Forest Health Assessment

Jefferson Land Trust is seeking volunteers to help conduct hands-on forest health assessments in the Quimper Wildlife Corridor. Volunteers will participate in an all day training (from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm) on Monday, September 12, with Jefferson Land Trust staff to go over the assessment protocol and practice using an increment borer, diameter tapes, […]

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Thank You, 2021 Volunteers!

We’d like to say a big, heartfelt thank you to all the incredible volunteers who helped make 2021 an amazing year at Jefferson Land Trust! Last year, 152 individual volunteers generously gave more than 3,600 hours of their time to the Land Trust. Wow! It feels so good to be part of a community that […]

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“Taking Wing” Program Lifts Off

A recent study showed that nearly every bird species living in Washington’s forests and coastal areas is in decline, with particularly troubling declines in forest birds. Forest bird populations rely on a variety of coarse woody debris for shelter and sustenance including downed logs, standing dead trees, known as “snags,” and the large and/or old […]

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