Northwest Naturalist Program

Program Overview

The Northwest Naturalist Program provides a way for local people to improve their own naturalist skills and knowledge, become more familiar with the land conservation work being achieved by the community through Jefferson Land Trust, and provide opportunities to become more involved in meaningful and important ways.

Purpose of the Program

The overall goal of the program is to build sustained support for land and water conservation in Jefferson County by increasing the community’s knowledge of, appreciation for, and activity in the natural world. The naturalist program provides a way for local people to improve their own naturalist skills and knowledge, become more familiar with the land conservation work being accomplished by the community through Jefferson Land Trust, and provide opportunities to become more involved in meaningful and important ways.

Program Components

There are three principal components to the Northwest Naturalist Program: the Tidelands to Timberline natural history course available to the public, volunteer positions with Jefferson Land Trust available to those that have completed the course, and Lead Naturalist volunteer positions.

Tidelands to Timberline Natural History Course

The Tidelands to Timberline natural history course portion of the Northwest Naturalist Program provides one of the best and most accessible opportunities for people to become intimately familiar with the natural history of the northeast Olympic Peninsula and learn more about local conservation efforts and the work of Jefferson Land Trust. Participants learn about the plants, animals, geology, climate, and habitats that make eastern Jefferson County unique. This course utilizes the knowledge and passion of some of the greatest naturalists in the area to teach our local communities about our local ecosystems.

Learn more about the course by viewing this general course introduction.

Volunteer Positions

This aspect of the program provides a boost in capacity for Jefferson Land Trust to both monitor nature preserves and provide experiences being offered on the land. After individuals have completed the initial natural history course, they may choose to apply that knowledge by helping take care of the protected properties in the county and/or lead walks and other experiences in the natural world for the public. There’s no volunteer obligation associated with the natural history course, but these opportunities are available to those that have completed the course. Past course participants are also eligible to volunteer each year in support of the course days.

Lead Naturalists

Forming the knowledge base for the natural history course, approximately 6-10 Lead Naturalists are designated each year to help support the course. These Lead Naturalists work directly with the Stewardship Director at Jefferson Land Trust to provide instruction and guidance during the Tidelands to Timberline natural history course. They also help make up and are supported by an Advisory Council for the course that includes leaders from Jefferson Land Trust Natural History Society. Lead Naturalists are distinguished in their naturalist skills, with demonstrated experience and leadership in their study of the natural world.