Volunteer Non-Disclosure Agreement

Thank you for volunteering with Jefferson Land Trust!

Thank you for your contributions to Jefferson Land Trust. During your time with the Land Trust, you may come into contact with information that is highly confidential. It is the policy of Jefferson Land Trust that employees, board members, and volunteers of the Land Trust will not disclose confidential information belonging to or obtained through their affiliation with Jefferson Land Trust to any person, including relatives, friends, and/or business and professional associates, unless Jefferson Land Trust has authorized such disclosure. This policy is not intended to prevent disclosure where disclosure is required by law.

The contributors, partners, and landowners who work with Jefferson Land Trust expect that our records are kept strictly confidential. You may, during the course of your participation with the Land Trust have access to information relating to Jefferson Land Trust’s contributors, partner organizations, existing and potential landowner partners, and its activities which may not be known to the general public. It is important that you hold in complete confidence all information about Jefferson Land Trust properties, potential acquisitions, contributors, and financial data. For this reason, any documents or information may not be shared, under any circumstances, with any other organization (private or public) or any individual without the prior permission of Jefferson Land Trust.

By completing and submitting the form fields below, you acknowledge that you’ve read and consent to the non-disclosure agreement above.

Your signature is good for one calendar year.  

Print and Sign Option:

If you’d prefer to print, sign, and mail (or drop off) the non-disclosure form to our office, please feel free to do so.

Thank you again for supporting Jefferson Land Trust and local conservation through your volunteerism.