
Report from the Field: Mission Creek Corrections Center Partnership

A big shout out to the Department of Corrections Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women work crew for their dedicated stewardship work on the Duckabush.

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2017 Accomplishments Report

Thanks to your support, it has been an incredible year for protecting local farms, forests and wildlife habitat. Jefferson Land Trust is a grass-roots group founded on the involvement of community members. Together, we accomplish more than we ever could as individuals. This work is done on your behalf, with your help, and it is only possible through the passion and generosity of our community of supporters.

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From Field Trip to Field Work

This summer, we were lucky to have intern Rian Plastow on the Land Trust team. We so appreciated her bright smile and the way she was always game to roll up her sleeves and and pitch in wherever needed, from leading volunteer work parties to helping with fundraising events. We were also thrilled to realize that we had met Rian before—as a student in one of the Land Trust’s first public school partnerships.

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Kids Learning on the Land

We just had a big smile delivered to us at the Land Trust when a package of thank you cards from Blue Heron Middle School eighth-graders arrived in the mail. These kids had just attended the last of five field trips this year through the Port Townsend School District’s place-based learning initiative.

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