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Chimacum Ridge Community Forest Social Advisory Group

Social Advisory Group

Members of the Social Advisory Group advise on the cultural, recreational, and educational access policies and plans for the Chimacum Ridge Community Forest. See the Community Forest Advisory Group page for information about purpose and function of the advisory groups.

The Social Advisory Group will support the staff Community Forest Manager and the Chimacum Ridge Community Forest Board of Managers in their development and implementation of the policies and work plans that achieve the following:

  • The Community Forest is an educational, recreational, and cultural resource for the whole community
  • The social benefits of the forest are balanced with the economic and ecological benefits
  • Parking, access trails and viewpoints are well maintained and safe
  • The community forest is an open-air classroom for educational programs
  • Access by local Tribal citizens is honored, welcomed and encouraged
  • Fostering safe and inclusive access to nature, with a focus on bridging historical gaps for BIPOC (black, indigenous, and other people of color) and marginalized communities
  • Access and uses of the community pavilion are well managed
  • Cultural and art programs have access to the community forest
  • Offering volunteer programs to participate in care of the community forest

Current recreational, educational, and cultural uses of the community forest being considered include:

  • Hiking (on all trails)
  • Biking (on designated trails)
  • Horseback riding (on designated trails)
  • Viewpoint access
  • Access for those who are differently abled
  • Birding and wildlife viewing
  • School tours
  • Delineated areas for off-trail nature study, exploration, and play
  • Lifelong educational opportunities
  • Tribal access for hunting and culturally-significant harvests
  • Limited-season bow hunting

Jefferson Land Trust was awarded a grant from the National Park Service’s RCTA program to begin the planning for future recreational uses of the community forest. With input from a 20+ member Community Advisory Team, several Land Trust staff members, and a National Park Service team, the effort resulted in a first draft of the Access, Recreation, and Education Plan for the community forest.

Chimacum Ridge Community Forest: Setting

The Chimacum Ridge Community Forest property has a system of well-maintained forest roads and many old skid trails that are hikable, but need some maintenance. Viewpoints from the top of the ridge provide spectacular views of Chimacum and the Olympic Mountains. Limited views of the Cascade Mountains show where corridors need to be managed to improve views.