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Jefferson and North Olympic Land Trusts Seek Climate Resilience Project Management Contractor

Author: Jefferson Land Trust | 12/24/21

Request for Proposals

2022 Climate Resiliency Project Manager

North Olympic and Jefferson Land Trusts are seeking the engagement of consulting services to guide our organizations as we determine metrics and strategize our collective efforts toward increasing Climate Resiliency on the North Olympic Peninsula.


In 2020, the two land trusts of the northern Olympic Peninsula entered into a climate-based strategic alliance to help ensure the Olympic Peninsula thrives in the face of climate change. This deep partnership recognizes that the projected impacts of climate change in our region will not follow the county boundaries (Clallam and Jefferson) that have guided our two organizations in the past. Working together, we will tackle landscape-scale conservation and stewardship projects across the Olympic Peninsula that best prepare our lands and communities for the changes already underway.

We collaborate to:

  • Use the best available data to guide land protection decisions
  • Permanently protect areas predicted to have high levels of climate resiliency
  • Permanently protect and support the stewardship of forests, farmlands, and open spaces that sequester high levels of carbon
  • Restore degraded lands and waterways to improve their resiliency potential
  • Employ stewardship practices that improve the climate resiliency potential of protected lands
  • Protect wildlife corridors that cross county lines

While our primary activities focus on conservation, restoration, and stewardship of land, we also play the role of convener, information provider, and advocate for climate-smart policy and land-use practices.

Working together, our Climate Resiliency Partnership will help ensure the Olympic Peninsula remains strong and healthy forever.

Our first collaborative effort was to conduct a Land Resilience Study, which was completed by an expert GIS Contractor, Core GIS, in 2021. This study’s intent was to provide detailed, current spatial data of the projected impacts of climate change in this region, which can now be used to determine next steps.

Statement of Intent:

As the next project of this Alliance, Jefferson Land Trust and North Olympic Land Trust seek a consultant to lead our organizations through a process in which we determine the metrics that will be used to guide future our strategies and activities that seek to build climate resiliency on the Olympic Peninsula.

Scope of Work:

The contracted consultant will be responsible for facilitating gatherings/workshops between staff, a to-be hired ‘researcher’ that will complete a literature review of best practices for tracking localized efforts for climate resiliency, and advisors. An initial kick-off meeting will be used to finalize a workplan and scope of the project. Subsequent meetings will lead the group through a process to determine the most appropriate metrics to guide future efforts.

Key Dates:

  • RFP opens – December 17, 2021
  • Proposal due date – January 5, 2022
  • Contract start date – mid-January, 2022
  • Researcher selected – January 2022
  • Kick-off meeting – late January, 2022
  • Subsequent meetings and process – February – September 2022
  • Final metrics and tracking strategy – end of September 2022

These dates are subject to change as necessary and details will be determined with selected contractor. Proposers may offer an alternative engagement timeline.

To Apply:

Please provide the following by January 5, 2022:

  1. Proposed scope of work for coordinating this project, including a timeline and deliverables
  2. A budget for your expenses as a contractor, not to exceed $6,000.

Proposals are due by 5 pm PDT on Wednesday, January 5, 2022.

Please email your proposal to with the subject line: “Climate Resiliency Project Manager”.

Please direct any questions pertaining this RFP to:

  • Richard Tucker, Executive Director, Jefferson Land Trust, or
  • Tom Sanford, Executive Director, North Olympic Land Trust,

The contract with the selected contractor will be managed jointly by the two organizations. North Olympic Land Trust will serve as the fiscal agent for this contract.

All costs associated in the preparation of a response to this RFP are the sole responsibility of the bidder and will not be reimbursed by the two land trusts.

Download a PDF version of this RFP here.