News & Events

Help Guide Our Work: Participate in a Brief Online Survey

Author: Jefferson Land Trust | 10/24/19

Autumn on the Olympic Peninsula

Working together, we’re protecting places that matter in Jefferson County!

Jefferson Land Trust is working on a strategic plan that will guide our work over the next five years (2020-2024).

Our survey closed at midnight on Friday, November 1.

Thanks to everyone who participated. We sure appreciate it! Our long-term success is fundamentally linked to community partnership. We’re currently updating our Strategic Plan to ensure that our work continues to align with the values of our community, and invite your input on our draft goals and objectives to better understand your priorities.

Your responses will be shared with our strategic planning task force, which is made up of board and staff members. Your input will inform the final plan, which will be further developed to include actions and outcomes.

Thanks again for taking the time to participate in this important process!