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Equity and Access Fund

Jefferson Land Trust works to fulfill its mission of working with the community to preserve open space, working lands, and habitat forever in Jefferson County. Our real estate and land management on the landscape of Jefferson County affects all who live, work, and visit here.

Since its inception in 1989, the organization has relied on volunteers to strengthen and enhance its work. Our success depends upon the support of hundreds of volunteers contributing thousands of hours of service each year. We recognize that our work is made stronger, more resilient, and more relevant through the service of volunteers from diverse backgrounds who provide representation of all of Jefferson County’s residents.

Purpose and Intention of the Fund

Conservation and connection to the land is a deeply held value shared by people across the political spectrum, at all income levels, and by all racial groups. Jefferson Land Trust strives to make opportunities for volunteering and engagement widely accessible and relevant to a broad group of people. The Land Trust recognizes that there can be financial barriers to volunteering. To address these barriers and increase broader volunteer participation that’s representative of the communities in which we work, we’ve created the Equity and Access Fund.

What the Fund Offers

Recognizing the financial barriers to volunteering that disproportionately affect low income, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color), veterans, and other marginalized members of the community, the Jefferson Land Trust Equity and Access Fund offers:

  1. Reimbursement for transportation and dependent care costs to any volunteer in the organization.
    Reimbursements are meant to provide the opportunity for participation to those who would otherwise not be able to, due to the secondary costs of volunteering.
  2. Stipends to members from marginalized groups who volunteer to provide perspective on their lived experience as a marginalized person, specifically in a way to influence decision making.
    Stipends are meant to recognize the emotional labor that this type of volunteering requires.
  3. Honoraria for community members who are asked to share their cultural traditions and/or expertise at educational, outreach, or fundraising events.
    Honoraria are meant to honor community members who are asked to share cultural traditions or expertise as speakers or participants during Land Trust events. 

Fund Management and Distribution

  • Jefferson Land Trust will strive to make all volunteers aware of the opportunities for reimbursements and stipends  provided by the Equity and Access Fund during the time of volunteer onboarding.
  • Requests for reimbursements and stipends will be reviewed by the Land Trust’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Committee to ensure that funds are distributed in a fair, consistent, and effective manner.
  • If approved, reimbursements and stipends will be paid on a first come, first served basis until the Equity and Access Fund is exhausted each year.

Reimbursement or Stipend Eligibility Request

Volunteers are encouraged to self-identify as being eligible for reimbursement and stipends by filling out this online form:

Please note: All volunteers who receive a reimbursement, stipend, or honorarium will need to complete a W9 form annually.

Giving to the Equity and Access Fund

Fundraising to support the Equity and Access Fund will be ongoing and individual donors may elect to support the Equity and Access Fund with a restricted gift. Please contact Director of Philanthropy Kate Godman (kgodman[at] to make a gift or for more information.