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Changing the World with Art: Young Local Artist’s Commitment to Conservation Continues

Author: Lilly Schneider | 02/10/23

Painting of an Oystercatcher by Aloura Remy

Aloura’s painting, Oystercatcher, was inspired inspired by observing Oystercatchers fly and play on one of Aloura’s favorite beaches in Port Townsend.

Photo of Aloura Remy on a Whale Watching trip near Protection Island.

Aloura Remy on a Whale Watching trip near Protection Island. Photo by Adelita Jorquera.

In 2018, when Aloura Remy was 14 years old, she hit on a unique way to help protect the planet and make a difference in her community.

By creating beautiful wildlife-inspired drawings, paintings, prints, and greeting cards, selling them to the community, and donating 50% of the proceeds to Jefferson Land Trust, she’s been able to raise funds for local conservation while spreading awareness about our work to protect local wild places, open spaces, and habitat.

Aloura is now 19, and her commitment to supporting the environment, as well as her commitment to her artwork, has not wavered. In fact, she now has a website where people can view and purchase her watercolors, chalk and pastel drawings, sculptures, and more, and she continues to donate half the proceeds from her sales to Jefferson Land Trust. Her website also introduces readers to the Land Trust’s work in the community. And if you’re interested in following this young artist’s work, you can sign up to be notified when Aloura uploads new art to her site using the field on the right side, just below the large image on the home page.

“She’s a very conscientious person when it comes to nature and the environment,” says Aloura’s mother, Adelita Jorquera. “From a young age, she would ask me, ‘How do we keep nature from being hurt?’ Now, she knows how — to use her art. It evolved from this question of how to protect nature.”

Aloura’s artwork gives her a voice and a way to help the environment as much as she can.

Photo of Aloura and Adelita at the Port Townsend CoOp.

Aloura and Adelita at the Port Townsend CoOp in 2018 selling Aloura’s notecards and promoting the Land Trust.

“The concern is that if we don’t protect lands that mean so much to our local communities, how will future generations be able to enjoy them? Jefferson Land Trust does that — preserves the land, but also helps people to enjoy it,” Adelita says.

Not only is Aloura committed to supporting the work of Jefferson Land Trust, but her parents are as well. Throughout the year, our Save The Land business partners commit to giving a portion of their profits to the Land Trust. Aloura and her parents, Doug and Adelita, who own Better Properties Tri-Counties LLC, have been valued Save The Land partners since 2018. During that year, the family also set up a table outside the Port Townsend Food Co-op to sell Aloura’s artwork, and acted as unofficial Land Trust ambassadors: answering questions, handing out brochures and other resources, spreading the word about our work, and getting direct feedback from community members.

Photo of Aloura Remy and Gabe Ornelas on a beach.

Aloura and Gabe Ornelas exploring the beach in Port Townsend. Photo by Adelita Jorquera.

“We were out there talking to people face to face, and we experienced incredible support for the Land Trust,” says Adelita.

Adelita says that Aloura is inspired by her “unofficial grandpa,” Gabe, who passed away in 2017. Along with his wife Robin, Gabe was an example to Aloura of how to be of service to one’s community and the Earth.

“Honoring Gabe is a privilege,” Adelita says. “He taught Aloura how to be an activist for nature, and how important it is to be involved in local organizations like Jefferson Land Trust.”

Land Trust Development Manager Sarah Zablocki-Axling notes that when she first met this family in 2018 she was inspired by their willingness to help, their determination, and the enthusiastic way they became ambassadors.

“I’m so thankful to Adelita, Doug, and Aloura for their continued Save the Land support of the Land Trust’s work,” she says. “If every teenager had a vision like Aloura, and a supporting family like Adelita and Doug, imagine the world we’d have!”

Photo of people in two kayaks under a pier.

Aloura kayaking in Port Townsend with her father, Doug, and Robin Ornelas. Photo by Adelita Jorquera.