News & Events

Work Party: Trail Trimming at Quimper West

Date: 10/22/2024 | Starts: 10:00 AM | Ends: 1:00 PM

Work Party

Work Party Shovel Circle IconWork Party • Tuesday, October 22 • 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Quimper West is a gem nestled into the three-mile long “Quimper Wildlife Corrridor”. At this Preserve cared for so lovingly by community volunteers, we will tackle trail trimming to keep the paths looking good! As part of the Qumper Wildlife Corridor, this Preserve supports wildlife movement, wetlands, water quality, bird habitat, as well as a truly special visitor experience right on the edge of Port Townsend.


Travel north on North Jacob Miller Road toward the road end (about 1 mile). Before you reach the road end, you’ll see Quimper West Preserve’s small parking area and trailhead kiosk on your left (the west side of the road). Please walk or bike if possible, due to limited parking.

Questions? Email Preserve Manager Carrie Clendaniel at cclendaniel[at]