Brian Rogers

Board President

University administrator, retired

Favorite local wildlife: Anna’s Hummingbird
Favorite native tree: Pacific Madrone
Favorite local food: Raspberries
Favorite local place: Quimper Wildlife Corridor

Brian joined the Jefferson Land Trust board after a career in Alaska as a state legislator, university administrator, public policy consultant, and facilitator. He’s a former chair of The Nature Conservancy Alaska trustees, a member of the Alaska Conservation Foundation board of trustees, a co-chair of the federal-state Alaska Land Use Advisors Committee, and he served as the lead facilitator for the Tongass Futures Roundtable, a stakeholder process in the Tongass National Forest in Southeast Alaska.

Brian served for seven years as chancellor of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, leading Alaska’s research university, and was one of the founders of Information Insights, a Fairbanks-based public policy and management consulting firm. He’s also served on a wide variety of nonprofit and corporate boards and public councils and task forces.

Brian holds a Master’s in Public Administration from the Harvard Kennedy School. He and his wife, Sherry Modrow, retired to Port Townsend in 2016.