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Look to the Land Campaign

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Preserving open space, working lands, and habitat forever.

Jefferson Land Trust is an accredited, private, nonprofit, grassroots organization in Jefferson County, located on the stunning Olympic Peninsula of Washington State. Save
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From the shoreline to the timberlands, we are protecting some of Jefferson County’s most fertile farmland, richest spawning grounds and busiest wildlife corridors. Come with us on a journey up the watershed!




People in a field

WA Department of Commerce Grant Awarded in Support of Planning for Chimacum Commons Affordable Housing Project

We’re thrilled to share that Jefferson Land Trust was recently awarded a significant grant from the Washington State Department of Commerce to support predevelopment planning for the Chimacum Commons affordable housing project that we’ve partnered with nonprofit Olympic Housing Trust (OHT) to design and develop. Thanks to the taxpayers of Washington state, the $197,500 grant […]


Woman in front of big tree

Land Trust Board of Directors Update

Though 2025 continues without any snowfall to speak of at the Land Trust office, the new year brought a small flurry of changes to Jefferson Land Trust’s Board of Directors. We’re pleased to announce that board member and longtime Land Trust volunteer Jane Guiltinan was elected to the role of Board President. “The Land Trust’s […]


Young woman

Meet our Winter Intern: Hazel Windstorm!

The Land Trust is very pleased to introduce our winter intern: Hazel Windstorm! Hazel has lived in Port Townsend all her life and is currently between semesters of her freshman year at Bennington College in Vermont. Her six-week internship with the Land Trust began in early January and will continue into February 2025. “I’ve taken […]


Gene Jones

“Tamanowas Rock-it’s the most sacred place… It’s the home of our ancestors. Our spirits are there.”

Gene Jones, Sr., Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe
Libby Atkins

“To think that a place as beautiful as this will be here, undisturbed, and get to grow into an old forest again…That’s a big, big, big idea.”

Libby Atkins, former Preserve Steward, for Illahee Preserve on Chimacum Creek
Crystie Kisler

“My husband’s family has been farming in Washington for five generations, and the working lands efforts of Jefferson Land Trust give us hope that our boys and other youth of this county will indeed have farmland to work if they so choose.”

Crystie Kisler, Finnriver Orchard
Dave Rugh

“The Olympic Peninsula is the crown jewel among America’s natural wonders and deserves careful attention to preserve what wildness is still here. Because Jefferson Land Trust is a leader in the conservation of a large part of the Olympic Peninsula, I have looked to the Land Trust for opportunities to help in the preservation of this wonderful environment.”

Jefferson Land Trust Affiliates

Natural History Society
Accreditation BIG
Quimper Geological Society